Gareth Herbert Takes School Links to a New Level

Assisted by other top coaches, former Commonwealth Champion Gareth Herbert is currently taking a series of table tennis demonstrations to schools in the Peterborough region, and will open the Archway Table Tennis Academy on 10 July 2018.

ARCHWAY demonstrates TABLE TENNIS AT St john fisher

Reported by Gareth on 27/03/2019

Feedback from the school:

Hi Gareth,
Thank you very much for coming in today., The feedback received was really positive and the demonstration assembly seemed to go really well. . It would be great if we could maybe arrange a time in the future to work with some our keen table tennis players.
Many Thanks for coming in,


Reported by Gareth on 18/07/2018

A huge thank you to Janette Jarvis of Highlees Primary School for organising a great assembly today. It was lovely to see such enthusiastic teachers and a breath of fresh air to see that enthusiasm rub on the children. Thank you for those children and staff who volunteered and became a part of the assembly and I hope to see you all at Archway Table Tennis Club in the very near future.

Thank you Highlees Primary School

Feedback from janette

Hi Gareth,

Thank you very much for coming in, not only did the children love it, us adults did too.

I thought it was brilliant, engaged all of the children as they loved watching all of the different skills from, behind the back, sitting down and all sorts.
It was fantastic how you got the children involved and the staff - table tennis is very underrated and this has shown to everybody that everybody can give it a go.

Tyler who was one of the volunteers thought it was 'Amazing. I enjoyed hitting the ball back and giving it a good try. The two men were soo good'.



Reported by Gareth on 10/07/2018

Another great assembly this afternoon. Thank you Jan Delezynski of St Thomas More for organising the assembly for approximately 200 pupils today. I attended with Steve Williams and Adam Jepson and we thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon. Jan organised for Jakub Kurowski to be released from 
St John Fisher High School to be a part the assembly today as well which was a nice touch. Jakub is a part of the Archway Table Tennis Academy and he represented both Archway table tennis club and John Fisher very well today. Well done Jakub.

It was great to see the interest from St Thomas Moore. Jan and I discussed table tennis options for next year and we will most definitely deliver an after-school club there. Jakub is keen to run a lunch time club at St John Fisher next academic year so watch this space. It was a breath of fresh air to see the interest from the school staff and pupils and we discussed an inter school league which will be organised for the next academic year.

Thank you Jan and thank you John Fisher.



reported by gareth on 06/07/2018

What a great start to the day! This morning I had the honour of attending the Fulbridge Academy in House Games 2018. 

George Downing and I started the day with a table tennis demonstration at Fulbridge Academy. It was great to see that there is already some table tennis being played at the school so there was a natural understanding of the concept of table tennis. The enthusiasm poured throughout the hall from both pupils and staff and it is fair to say that we all enjoyed our time there.

Thank you George and Steve for making this a very enjoyable demonstration for everyone. Today, Michael Fox who is Fulbridge Academy staff distributed letters to the children, giving all the pupils the opportunity to attend our academy launch on July 10th. 

Thank you, Michael Fox, and everyone at Fulbridge Academy for inviting me to your annual sports event.

"The kids loved it! So did we as the staff. Staff commented how good you were with the children and the children were all fully focused the whole time. The gold medals were a nice touch as well. 

Of course you can use all the media, once we have finished today, I will put a post out which you can retweet and share etc.

I have printed off all the letters ready to give to the children.

Thanks again."

Mr Michael Fox

Former commonwealth champion and current county champion add table tennis to school assemblies

Reported by Gareth on 05/07/2018

Today, Adam Jepson and I did two back to back assemblies at Paston Ridings Primary School. There were approximately 500 children between 5 and 10 years old. I arranged the assembly with Ruth Dixon who was a huge help in getting this set up. I also provided Ruth with a letter inviting any interested children to our academy launch on Tuesday 10th July and she has distributed these to the whole school. The children appeared to thoroughly enjoy the demonstration as I did, and I am hoping that we will have some more new participants in table tennis from Paston Ridings Primary School in the very near future.

Thank you Ruth, and thank you to Paston Primary School!
Feedback from school teacher Ruth Dixon:

"Thanks for coming in, the children really enjoyed your demonstration and we had some lovely feedback. All parents have been emailed with the flyer and kids have taken a paper copy home if interested."

Archway's Proud History of School Links

Archway Peterborough TTC has had a long history of school links. In fact, school links have been at the heart of all of its activities, with the club originally founded at Eastholme School in 2011.
Over the years, Archway has formed links with Jack Hunt School, Stamford School, Hampton College and others, aimed at promoting the sport to school children.

Cambridgeshire schools TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT - 2014

In September 2014, Archway junior player Wilson Wang was runner-up in a tournament that was entered by junior players from schools across Cambridgeshire.

The final for boys under 15 took place between Wilson Wang, from Jack Hunt School, and James Kelly, from Cambridge Senior School. Although  the first game was tight with Wilson losing 11-9, James proved too strong and dominated the second and third games, securing the place to represent Cambridgeshire to play in the grand final.

(James eventually did proud for Cambridgeshire by winning in the final in Grantham in October 2014!)

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